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(206) 686-4400 ext. 13

Henley Leadership Group Blog

Good Leaders Promote This Kind Of Work Culture

Work is a place where we spend a great deal of our time and talent every day. And through the exchanges and situations we face there, each of us has an opportunity to grow ourselves up — to become more mature, more resilient, and wiser — but only if you consciously engage in your personal and professional development at work.

Feeling Angry At Work? Try This

The steaming cups of coffee sitting on the table attested to the earliness of the hour. My business partner and I, along with a key leader on our team, were on a work retreat that was meant to advance our thinking, strategy and processes. Instead, we had unconsciously opened our laptops and were responding to emails.

Why It’s Crucial To Lead With An Open Heart

"Leadership requires attention to depth, to feelings, to inner struggles. A leader must wrestle with inward issues. They are expected to have great aspirations, confront great frustrations, achieve great self-control, suffer great betrayals, and manifest great compassion.” — Peter Koestenbaum

The Secret To Creating A Sense Of Belonging At Work

Have you ever felt left out or excluded from important conversations or meetings at work? Have you ever hid or covered parts of who you are or what you believe — your political or religious affiliation, or details about your personal life, history and background, for example — in order to fit in and be accepted at work?