(206) 686-4400 ext. 13

(206) 686-4400 ext. 13

Henley Leadership Group Blog

The High Cost Of Being A Perfectionist At Work

Perfectionism used to be lauded as a strength — something to strive for. Now, it is the very thing that could take you down, creating a chasm in team relationships and overall morale.

When Encountering Closed Minds, Open Yours For A Better Outcome

If you’re a leader or aspire to be one, it’s important to focus on developing qualities like curiosity and open-mindedness, now more than ever.

What's Your Leadership Superpower?

Each of us brings unique gifts to our world – gifts like patience, enthusiasm, creativity and generosity. We call these your superpowers. They’re attributes that have been with you most of your life. The key is to know what they are.

The Secret To Cohesive Collaboration

Let’s face it, working with people isn’t always easy. People get tangled up and judge each other. Team members gossip with colleagues about people who annoy them at work. As if collaboration weren’t already tough enough, now we may not even be in the same room with one another.

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