(206) 686-4400 ext. 13

(206) 686-4400 ext. 13

Henley Leadership Group Blog

The Secret To Cohesive Collaboration

Let’s face it, working with people isn’t always easy. People get tangled up and judge each other. Team members gossip with colleagues about people who annoy them at work. As if collaboration weren’t already tough enough, now we may not even be in the same room with one another.

This Leadership Trait Goes A Long Way

Being an appreciative leader is not about giving compliments, gift cards or trophies. It’s not about recognition, rewards, kudos or “atta boys.” While these are certainly actions that can boost morale and egos, they are superficial. They’re the easy way out.

Three Strategies To Help Reframe Failure

Often, we think of failure as personal: “I am a failure.” But when you feel like you are failing at work, it doesn’t mean you are a failure.

Good Leaders Promote This Kind Of Work Culture

Work is a place where we spend a great deal of our time and talent every day. And through the exchanges and situations we face there, each of us has an opportunity to grow ourselves up — to become more mature, more resilient, and wiser — but only if you consciously engage in your personal and professional development at work.